Superglue co-pilot, our AI-powered app for Slack

Superglue is a partner engagement solution designed to enhance partner experiences and increase business ecosystem revenue. Superglue tells your partner team who to engage with, when and how. This happens when e.g. a new partner needs to be enabled, when there is a co-selling opportunity with an existing partner, or when a dormant partner should be reactivated.

With the Superglue app for Slack installed, users enjoy a seamless experience where they don't need to constantly log into Superglue. Real-time notifications regarding new contacts or tasks are pushed directly into Slack (users can configure those to go into private or public channels as well as to users directly). This includes information about the use case, the assigned partner manager, and details about the person they're interacting with.

The integration further enhances convenience by providing a link to the Salesforce contact overview of the person involved. This helps users ascertain whether the interaction aligns with their use case.

Additionally, users have three interaction options. Firstly, they can customize messaging; by clicking the provided link, they are taken to Superglue where they can review, customize, and approve the pre-drafted email. Secondly, for standard interactions, users can approve messages directly from Slack. Lastly, users have the option to discard any contact if they deem it necessary.

Everything takes place within Slack, with the only need to log into Superglue arising when users want to make changes to the actual journey (e.g. the triggers, tasks, or email templates). You will get notifications whenever a new contact is pushed into a journey as well as when tasks that are part of journeys need to be handled.

If you ever want to mute or unmute the app you can of course do that as well. There are two slash commands we currently support /superglue unsubscribe to unsubscribe to notifications and /superglue subscribe to, well, subscribe.

Setting up Superglue is quick and straightforward. Integrating with Slack (as well as Salesforce, Crossbeam, and Gmail) takes just a few clicks. All you need to do is go to "Integrations" in your Superglue account and then choose "Create new integration". Select Slack and follow the prompts. When this is done (and your Slack workspace admin approved the app) you just need to create a new (public or private) channel in your Slack workspace and add the app (by typing "@superglue" and hitting enter, easy as that). Individuals can also opt for 1:1 direct notifications via the app.

PS Need help setting up the app? Click here.

PPS Want to see a demo? Click here.

PPPS We take data privacy very, very seriously. Feel free to check out our privacy policy. Click here.

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